Producer · Mixer · Guitarist


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Marco Trentacoste

I grew up in Milan strongly influenced by metal, heavy rock and eighties electro from a young age. I have worked in the music industry since the early nineties as a producer, mixer, live performer (guitarist, keyboardist), composer and remixer.

Thanks for visiting.
Marco Trentacoste


Hinterland Studios Venice Mixer / Partnership 2024
Hinterland Studios Venice Mixer / Partnership 2023
Hinterland Studios Venice Mixer / Partnership 2022
Marco Trentacoste Pandemic / Composing New York 2022
Marco Trentacoste Pandemic / Composing New York 2021
Marco Trentacoste Pandemic / Composing New York 2020
Lorenzo Calzavara Production, Mixing, Guitar, Synth, Programming Lights 2020
Marco Trentacoste Artist, Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth, Programming Consequence 2020
Flavio Ferri Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Backing Vocals Testimone Di Passaggio 2020
Flavio Ferri Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Backing Vocals Odio 2020
I Giardini Di Chernobyl Production, Recording, Mixing Duel 2019
"Golden Melody Awards" Nomination for Best Vocal Recording Album - Technical Category Xie Tian Xiao - Na Bu Shi Wo 2018
Xie Tian Xiao Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Acoustic Guitar Na Bu Shi Wo 2017
Victor Love Mixing Bitchcraft - featuring KMFDM 2016
The Spooky Scientists Artist, Co-Production, Mixing, Guitar, Synth, Programming "0" 2016
I Paradisi Mixing Dove Andrai 2016
KMFDM Mixing, Remixing, Production, Synth, Guitar, Programming Rocks - Milestones Reloaded 2016
Living Dead Lights Production, Remixing, Guitar, Synth, Programming This is Our Evolution - (Trentacoste Remix) 2016
Dope Stars Inc. Production, Remixing, Guitar, Synth, Programming Along With You - (Trentacoste Remix) 2015
The Spooky Scientists Artist, Co-Production, Mixing, Guitar, Programming Insight 2015
Neracruz Mixing Neracruz 2014
Adam Carpet Production, Remixing, Guitar, Synth, Programming The Remixes (Babi Yar) 2014
Hysterical Sublime Production, Recording, Mixing Colour 2014
Corleone Recording, Mixing Radio Rai 2 - Moby Dick 2013
Hooverphonic Guitar Amalfi 2013
See You Downtown Co-Production, Mixing, Synth See You Downtown 2013
Corleone Recording, Mixing Blaccahenze 2013
Worchbench Artist, Co-Production, Writing, Guitar, Synth, Engineering Lawless 2012
We Are Waves Production, Recording, Mixing We Are Waves 2012
Fluon Mixing Naked 2012
Cavour Recording, Mixing Fenomeni 2012
Grazia Negro Mixing Ragazze Forty 2012
Roy Paci Mixing Fino alla fine del mondo 2012
FFD Mixing Antifa Riot 2012
Eros Ramazzotti Drum, Bass, Orchestra Recording, Engineering Noi 2012
This Grace Production, Recording, Mixing, Synth Due 2011
Rezophonic Mixing Evoluzione 2011
Giusy Ferreri Production, Recording, Mixing, Synth, Guitar Il mio Universo 2011
Giusy Ferreri Live Guitarist Il mio Universo Tour 2011
Le Vibrazioni Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth Le Strade Del Tempo 2010
Mallory Switch Production, Recording, Mixing Mallory 2010
Le Vibrazioni Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth Invocazioni al cielo 2010
Nevruz Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth Tra l'amore e il male 2010
Mallory Switch Production, Recording, Mixing Freeek! 2009
Rezophonic Guitar Nell'acqua 2009
The Wizard Project Mixing Ep 2009 2009
Octopus Mixing Ep 2009 2009
Le Vibrazioni Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth Respiro 2009
Emoglobe Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth Emoglobe 2008
Le Vibrazioni Live Guitarist, Keyboardist En vivo Tour 2008
L'aura & Rezophonic Guest Guitarist Sanremo Festival 2008
Le Vibrazioni Production, Recording and Mixing En Vivo 2008
Deasonika Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth, Writing Tredicipose 2008
Lacuna Coil Mixing Visual Karma Live DVD 2008
Mallory Switch Recording and Mixing Mallory Switch 2007
Rezophonic Artist, Live Guitarist, Keyboardist Rezo Tour 2007
Le Vibrazioni Production, Recording, Mixing Officine Meccaniche 2006
Rezophonic Artist, Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth Rezophonic 2006
Deasonika Artist, Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Piano, Writing Deasonika 2006
Deasonika Artist, Live Guitarist, Keyboardist Tour 2006 2006
Deasonika Artist, Live Guitarist, Keyboardist Tour 2005 2005
FFD Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth Kuore Ribelle 2005
Delta V Guitar Le Cose Che Cambiano 2004
Moravagine Recording, Mixing Diaboliko 2004
Deasonika Artist, Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth, Writing Il Giorno Della Mia Sana Follia 2004
Deasonika Artist, Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth, Writing Piccoli Dettagli Al Buio 2004
Deasonika Artist, Live Guitarist, Keyboardist P.D.A.B.Tour 2004
File Production, Recording, Mixing File 2003
Malfunk Production, Recording, Mixing Dentro 2003
Malfunk Live Sound Engineer Dentro Tour 2003
Radio Rock FM Performer, Writing, Mixing, Production Music Jingles 2002
Addiction Live Sound Engineer Doubt the dosage Tour 2002
Delta V Live Sound Engineer Monaco 74 Tour 2002
Delta V Remixing Un colpo In Un Istante - Remix 2002
Paolo Martella Co-Production, Guitar Veleno MIgliore 2001
Deasonika Production, Recording, Mixing, Sound Design L'uomo Del Secolo 2001
Magazzini Della Comunicazione Production, Recording, Mixing Sotto La Superfice 2001
Delta V Mixing Monaco 74 2001
Delta V Remixing Un' Estate Fa 2001
Delta V Live Guitarist Psycho Beat Tour 2000
Delta V Remixing Marta Ha Fatto Un Sogno - Remix 2000
Pwr Production, Recording Silence 1999
Pwr Remixing Phantom Lord - Metallica Tribute 1999
Paolo Martella Guitar, Writing Più Simile A Me 1999
Delta V Live Guitarist Psycho Beat Tour 1999
Extrema Live Sound Engineer Tour 1998 1998
Xilema Recording, Mixing Si Ode Lontano, Una Sirena.... 1998
So Erba Remixing I'm Happy - Remix 1998
Bluvertigo Remixing Altre Forme Di Vita - Remix 1998
Ritmo Tribale Pre-Production, Programming Bahamas 1998
Delta V Live Guitarist Mondo Spazio Tour 1998
Ritmo Tribale Live Sound Engineer Bahamas Tour 1998
Sadist Live Sound Engineer Tour 1997 1997
Abnegate Production, Recording, Mixing, Writing, Programming New Kernel 1997
Pino Scotto Remixing Come Noi - Remix 1997
Paolo Martella Guitar, Writing Dove Mi Hai Portato 1997
Iene Recording, Mixing Paura 1997
Paolo Martella Live Guitarist, Keyboardist Dove Mi Hai Portato Tour 1997
Node Live Sound Engineer Tour 1996 1996
V.M.18 Artist, Co-Production, Guitar, Writing V.M.18 1996
V.M.18 Artist, Live Guitarist PeccaTour 1996
Rock Planet Club - Milan Resident Live Sound Engineer Rock Club 1995
Malibu' Studios - Milan Resident Sound Engineer Studio 1995
Rock Planet Club - Milan Resident Live Sound Engineer Rock Club 1994
Abnegate Artist, Writing Insane Souls 1993
Rock Planet Club - Milan Resident Live Sound Engineer Rock Club 1993
Bell Music Service Technician Service Audio 1992
Extrema Guitar Tech Tension At the Seams Tour 1992
Death SS Guitar Tech, Stage Manager Heavy Demons Tour 1991
Mayland Music Shop Salesman Music Shop 1991


Video Playlists



Spotify Playlists

Production Reel

Marco Trentacoste - Consequence
