I grew up in Milan strongly influenced by metal, heavy rock and eighties electro from a young age. I have worked in the music industry since the early nineties as a producer, mixer, live performer (guitarist, keyboardist), composer and remixer.
Thanks for visiting.
Hinterland Studios Venice | Mixer / Partnership | www.hinterland-studios.com | 2024 |
Hinterland Studios Venice | Mixer / Partnership | www.hinterland-studios.com | 2023 |
Hinterland Studios Venice | Mixer / Partnership | www.hinterland-studios.com | 2022 |
Marco Trentacoste | Pandemic / Composing | New York | 2022 |
Marco Trentacoste | Pandemic / Composing | New York | 2021 |
Marco Trentacoste | Pandemic / Composing | New York | 2020 |
Lorenzo Calzavara | Production, Mixing, Guitar, Synth, Programming | Lights | 2020 |
Marco Trentacoste | Artist, Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth, Programming | Consequence | 2020 |
Flavio Ferri | Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Backing Vocals | Testimone Di Passaggio | 2020 |
Flavio Ferri | Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Backing Vocals | Odio | 2020 |
I Giardini Di Chernobyl | Production, Recording, Mixing | Duel | 2019 |
"Golden Melody Awards" | Nomination for Best Vocal Recording Album - Technical Category | Xie Tian Xiao - Na Bu Shi Wo | 2018 |
Xie Tian Xiao | Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Acoustic Guitar | Na Bu Shi Wo | 2017 |
Victor Love | Mixing | Bitchcraft - featuring KMFDM | 2016 |
The Spooky Scientists | Artist, Co-Production, Mixing, Guitar, Synth, Programming | "0" | 2016 |
I Paradisi | Mixing | Dove Andrai | 2016 |
KMFDM | Mixing, Remixing, Production, Synth, Guitar, Programming | Rocks - Milestones Reloaded | 2016 |
Living Dead Lights | Production, Remixing, Guitar, Synth, Programming | This is Our Evolution - (Trentacoste Remix) | 2016 |
Dope Stars Inc. | Production, Remixing, Guitar, Synth, Programming | Along With You - (Trentacoste Remix) | 2015 |
The Spooky Scientists | Artist, Co-Production, Mixing, Guitar, Programming | Insight | 2015 |
Neracruz | Mixing | Neracruz | 2014 |
Adam Carpet | Production, Remixing, Guitar, Synth, Programming | The Remixes (Babi Yar) | 2014 |
Hysterical Sublime | Production, Recording, Mixing | Colour | 2014 |
Corleone | Recording, Mixing | Radio Rai 2 - Moby Dick | 2013 |
Hooverphonic | Guitar | Amalfi | 2013 |
See You Downtown | Co-Production, Mixing, Synth | See You Downtown | 2013 |
Corleone | Recording, Mixing | Blaccahenze | 2013 |
Worchbench | Artist, Co-Production, Writing, Guitar, Synth, Engineering | Lawless | 2012 |
We Are Waves | Production, Recording, Mixing | We Are Waves | 2012 |
Fluon | Mixing | Naked | 2012 |
Cavour | Recording, Mixing | Fenomeni | 2012 |
Grazia Negro | Mixing | Ragazze Forty | 2012 |
Roy Paci | Mixing | Fino alla fine del mondo | 2012 |
FFD | Mixing | Antifa Riot | 2012 |
Eros Ramazzotti | Drum, Bass, Orchestra Recording, Engineering | Noi | 2012 |
This Grace | Production, Recording, Mixing, Synth | Due | 2011 |
Rezophonic | Mixing | Evoluzione | 2011 |
Giusy Ferreri | Production, Recording, Mixing, Synth, Guitar | Il mio Universo | 2011 |
Giusy Ferreri | Live Guitarist | Il mio Universo Tour | 2011 |
Le Vibrazioni | Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth | Le Strade Del Tempo | 2010 |
Mallory Switch | Production, Recording, Mixing | Mallory | 2010 |
Le Vibrazioni | Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth | Invocazioni al cielo | 2010 |
Nevruz | Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth | Tra l'amore e il male | 2010 |
Mallory Switch | Production, Recording, Mixing | Freeek! | 2009 |
Rezophonic | Guitar | Nell'acqua | 2009 |
The Wizard Project | Mixing | Ep 2009 | 2009 |
Octopus | Mixing | Ep 2009 | 2009 |
Le Vibrazioni | Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth | Respiro | 2009 |
Emoglobe | Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth | Emoglobe | 2008 |
Le Vibrazioni | Live Guitarist, Keyboardist | En vivo Tour | 2008 |
L'aura & Rezophonic | Guest Guitarist | Sanremo Festival | 2008 |
Le Vibrazioni | Production, Recording and Mixing | En Vivo | 2008 |
Deasonika | Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth, Writing | Tredicipose | 2008 |
Lacuna Coil | Mixing | Visual Karma Live DVD | 2008 |
Mallory Switch | Recording and Mixing | Mallory Switch | 2007 |
Rezophonic | Artist, Live Guitarist, Keyboardist | Rezo Tour | 2007 |
Le Vibrazioni | Production, Recording, Mixing | Officine Meccaniche | 2006 |
Rezophonic | Artist, Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth | Rezophonic | 2006 |
Deasonika | Artist, Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Piano, Writing | Deasonika | 2006 |
Deasonika | Artist, Live Guitarist, Keyboardist | Tour 2006 | 2006 |
Deasonika | Artist, Live Guitarist, Keyboardist | Tour 2005 | 2005 |
FFD | Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth | Kuore Ribelle | 2005 |
Delta V | Guitar | Le Cose Che Cambiano | 2004 |
Moravagine | Recording, Mixing | Diaboliko | 2004 |
Deasonika | Artist, Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth, Writing | Il Giorno Della Mia Sana Follia | 2004 |
Deasonika | Artist, Production, Recording, Mixing, Guitar, Synth, Writing | Piccoli Dettagli Al Buio | 2004 |
Deasonika | Artist, Live Guitarist, Keyboardist | P.D.A.B.Tour | 2004 |
File | Production, Recording, Mixing | File | 2003 |
Malfunk | Production, Recording, Mixing | Dentro | 2003 |
Malfunk | Live Sound Engineer | Dentro Tour | 2003 |
Radio Rock FM | Performer, Writing, Mixing, Production | Music Jingles | 2002 |
Addiction | Live Sound Engineer | Doubt the dosage Tour | 2002 |
Delta V | Live Sound Engineer | Monaco 74 Tour | 2002 |
Delta V | Remixing | Un colpo In Un Istante - Remix | 2002 |
Paolo Martella | Co-Production, Guitar | Veleno MIgliore | 2001 |
Deasonika | Production, Recording, Mixing, Sound Design | L'uomo Del Secolo | 2001 |
Magazzini Della Comunicazione | Production, Recording, Mixing | Sotto La Superfice | 2001 |
Delta V | Mixing | Monaco 74 | 2001 |
Delta V | Remixing | Un' Estate Fa | 2001 |
Delta V | Live Guitarist | Psycho Beat Tour | 2000 |
Delta V | Remixing | Marta Ha Fatto Un Sogno - Remix | 2000 |
Pwr | Production, Recording | Silence | 1999 |
Pwr | Remixing | Phantom Lord - Metallica Tribute | 1999 |
Paolo Martella | Guitar, Writing | Più Simile A Me | 1999 |
Delta V | Live Guitarist | Psycho Beat Tour | 1999 |
Extrema | Live Sound Engineer | Tour 1998 | 1998 |
Xilema | Recording, Mixing | Si Ode Lontano, Una Sirena.... | 1998 |
So Erba | Remixing | I'm Happy - Remix | 1998 |
Bluvertigo | Remixing | Altre Forme Di Vita - Remix | 1998 |
Ritmo Tribale | Pre-Production, Programming | Bahamas | 1998 |
Delta V | Live Guitarist | Mondo Spazio Tour | 1998 |
Ritmo Tribale | Live Sound Engineer | Bahamas Tour | 1998 |
Sadist | Live Sound Engineer | Tour 1997 | 1997 |
Abnegate | Production, Recording, Mixing, Writing, Programming | New Kernel | 1997 |
Pino Scotto | Remixing | Come Noi - Remix | 1997 |
Paolo Martella | Guitar, Writing | Dove Mi Hai Portato | 1997 |
Iene | Recording, Mixing | Paura | 1997 |
Paolo Martella | Live Guitarist, Keyboardist | Dove Mi Hai Portato Tour | 1997 |
Node | Live Sound Engineer | Tour 1996 | 1996 |
V.M.18 | Artist, Co-Production, Guitar, Writing | V.M.18 | 1996 |
V.M.18 | Artist, Live Guitarist | PeccaTour | 1996 |
Rock Planet Club - Milan | Resident Live Sound Engineer | Rock Club | 1995 |
Malibu' Studios - Milan | Resident Sound Engineer | Studio | 1995 |
Rock Planet Club - Milan | Resident Live Sound Engineer | Rock Club | 1994 |
Abnegate | Artist, Writing | Insane Souls | 1993 |
Rock Planet Club - Milan | Resident Live Sound Engineer | Rock Club | 1993 |
Bell Music Service | Technician | Service Audio | 1992 |
Extrema | Guitar Tech | Tension At the Seams Tour | 1992 |
Death SS | Guitar Tech, Stage Manager | Heavy Demons Tour | 1991 |
Mayland Music Shop | Salesman | Music Shop | 1991 |